
Age 30, Male


Joined on 3/22/13

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I'm a young producer/composer from the midwestern United States. In a nutshell, I like to dabble in music, when I'm not doing things society deems as "more important." Being an avid fan of video games in general, I hope to make a career out of making tunes for them in the future!
Musical style? Eh, who needs one of those thingies... I make a variety of music genres, however, you can at least expect it to be electronic in some way. I don't have the money for an orchestra and I cant play anything other that the piano very well.

OTHER than music, I'm trying to get used to digital artwork. I can draw very well, but drawing on a graphics tablet has a different feel. I also have Flash CS6 but I'm too scared to try and learn it.

Musicaly Stuff, and A Word about Feedback:
*Ahem* We musical types try very hard to make good sounding music. We do it because we like to hear what we can make and do, it's VERY rewarding, and we want other people to experience the music we have put so much time and effort into (regardless of whether or not we actually DID put effort into it).
That last one is the most important to ANY composer. It's how they get feedback on what the general audience likes and dislikes about their music. It seems strange, but to whoever is making the music, something might sound totally awesome to them, while to the rest of the audience the same thing might sound forgettable, or even bad. Composers feed on people's opinions. That's where music differs from animation and art; in animation and art, you're free to do whatever you want, so judging how "good" something is a bit harder.
Also, negative feedback on art and animation can be a bit harder to swallow than to a musician, because what they did was all intentional, and when they get bad feedback on something they're instinct reacts as if they've been told their creativity wasn't good enough. Of course, not EVERYONE is like this, and I'm sure some of you will disagree with me.
Oh, damn, this was entitled "Musicaly Stuff," wasn't it? Ok! Back on track! My point is that whenever you see someone advertising their music, you should be more open to actually listening to it. I know better than anyone how easy it is to see a music link and just ignore it completely. At the same time though, give feedback on what you heard. A LOT of feedback. If it's bad, then tell them so! If it's good, then tell them what you like about it! That's all I'm asking.
Trust me, you'd be doing much more than you'd think.

For practice, why don't you give your ears a little treat and check out my soundcloud? I'd be very appreciative of it! ;)

Thanks for reading my little rant of sorts :)